"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
Thomas Edison, inventor

Monday, October 22, 2007

J-E-L-L-O... It's Alive!

Remember those Jell-O commercials from Halloween, maybe they're even still around...? Well I had no idea that Jell-O actually did used to be alive. Am I the last to know where gelatin comes from? For a quarter per box, I wouldn't have guessed animals. I guess it comes from cows' and pigs' skin. Their tissues and bones are boiled to form the powder. What a weird concept.. I wonder who thought to do that and then flavor it with fruity flavors for a dessert. I'm sure they are millionaires though.

I am a beginner and learning and I'd like my site to be helpful to other beginners.
Does anyone else know of other items that are surprisingly from animals? I don't feel like everyone has to be petty and avoid any and every thing possibly from animals, it just has peaked my curiosity.